Get to the Garage
Where do you go to find the room to dream up impossible things and find a way to make them possible? How do you make space to work out problems without being bogged down in the small challenges and big problems of everyday life?

Because we can
Once more into the breach...be it ever so huge, or tiny, or just middle size and not really interesting to anyone at all…

Ultra Violet
Sometimes people ask, “Simon, why purple?”
“Why lasers?”
“Why purple lasers?”

Working on my "Or"
The thing about inventing, or creating anything really, is that it’s wonderful. Really wonderful...unless it’s absolute torture.

Go On, Do Some ARM
A long, long time ago, in a countryside far away, there was a young man playing with tech in his parents’ garage…

Journey a Thousand Miles Without a Single Step
Sometimes there's a moment when you're sure you've gotten a glimpse into the future and all things that are to come.

Planner 17.0
This is an experiment in trying to strike a balance because time is a precious resource around here, and I’d really like to make this idea come to life, mostly because I want to use it.

Rough Sailing: Early VR + Boat = Just Say No
In my many years in various aspects of the tech industry, I have acquired an interesting job history with many jumps, lateral moves, and seemingly odd decisions – all of which made perfect sense at the time.

Zen Tense: Not all Dead, Which Means it's Slightly Alive
Then, we set about figuring out what we could do, what we felt we had to do, and what even could be done at all.

Zen-Tense: The Prevenge
Before I go on with the story of Zen Table – how it was finished, how I got to running a Kickstarter campaign, where we went from there – I’ve got to back up a bit and tell a little more about how we got to the point where any of that came next. I’ve got to tell you a bit about Lizzy.

It all began a long time ago, a bit more than 20 years actually, in the mid 90’s, at a party. I was working at Zono at the time, and I was having a bit to drink, chatting with Zono’s CEO, Ed Zobrist, and the Head of Software Engineering Jeff Fort, and their wives, in Jeff’s living room.