This Moment
We have a timeline to launch and I’m grateful to be part of getting it off the ground.
They Conceal Information Like That in Books
Recently, I had a chance to review my bucket list of things I’d like to build. It’s…not small. But looking back, it all began with one, critical, book.

Stuck? Get a Robot Duck.
Then I realized, it’s not really about Robot Ducky or the site that wasn’t…it’s about how you approach challenges, find solutions, spark creativity, and, most importantly, keep moving forward.

Embrace Your Inner Robot
I think I finally figured out who I want to be when I grow up…I love the idea of merging VR, and AR, and robotics, and high-performance networking, and cameras, and haptic feedback devices…

Book Recommendation: Things Come Apart, Todd McLellan
As a kid I used to get myself into trouble for taking my toys apart. I didn’t know how to communicate to Mum and Dad the true value I felt when I understood what was going on inside, and how exciting it was…

Mr. Credible
I have a super power. Well, two actually, but the first is most relevant to the recent turn in my career…

Perfection is subjective and demanding and, also, doesn’t really exist. I know all this, but I’m also a chronic recovering perfectionist…

A World in a Grain of Sand
I have created whole worlds from nothing but my imagination. Building landscapes, giving them texture and form, shape and light. I peopled them with creatures fantastic and mundane. I gave them life and rules they were obliged to follow…

It's Bigger on the Inside: Thinking Inside an Infinite Box
The part where I’m overwhelmed by the ideas flooding my brain is the exciting bit - the part where I have to pick which one I actually want to pursue and develop is where the frustration comes in.

What Don't We Get?
…the urgency of money can be a stifling burden on the ability to create…

Hey, Let's Start a Revolution!
We’re at the edge of a new industrial revolution and I am unspeakably excited about it and all the opportunities and possibilities it will bring…

The Game is the Thing
This story is for the makers and the gamers – those who create new worlds to explore and conquer and those who enter those worlds to play the game…

The quest for the ideal journal/pen combo has gone on for more years than I like to contemplate…I may have found the perfect set…or I may have to get to work…